Here are some blog posts I’ve made.
- 🎉 First Python Package 🎉
- Do you want your receipt? (Yes)
- A Revolver Reflection
- Wall Street Journal, the dataset
- Some patterns
- Lotto update #1
- Success by Failure
- Balancing User Input
- Embedding a notebook
- Python doesn't have variables
- Strategic use of super()
- Python Talks
- Rshiny Apps On Azure With Docker
- Note to myself, from Jupyter
- Auto-refreshing Office Documents With R
- Raspberry Pi Data Logger
- Bokeh deployment update
- Am I Saving?
- Useful code snippets
- Recent Readings
- Coffee without a scale?
- Vim tips
- FTC Military Consumer Dashboard
- RSS feeds
- New photo site!
- grep and find on MacOS
- Learning Linux Things
- A hodgepodge of keybindings
- Learning learning learning
- Creating code free jupyter notebook exports
- A handy use of decorators in python
- Custom logging in python
- Effective .transform in python