Rshiny Apps On Azure With Docker


One of my goals for this year is to get more experience deploying and packaging up analyses / projects I complete. I have a fairly good handle on sharing code through github, but I wouldn’t really consider that deployment. My main targets are technologies like Docker and Azure.

I’ve been using a personal Azure account in order to gain some experience in this realm and I’ve been able to deploy a simple Shiny application here. (I am aware of, but I didn’t want to make things too easy on myself lol).

I also wrote notes to myself in this repo so when I inevitably forget everything I did I’ll have some notes to come back to.

Honestly I was surprised how straightforward it all was to put together. I was kind of intimidated at first and had no idea what I was doing for the first 20 or 30 minutes but after about an hour the documentation started to click.

More to come, probably.