A hodgepodge of keybindings


I am a huge fan of the keyboard and feel the opposite way about the mouse, which is slow and bulky. I won’t unleash my full rant here, but long story short I really like keyboard shortcuts. So, without anyone’s request here are some of my current favorites.

Sidenote: Here are some helpful links if you aren’t familiar with any of the things named down there:

Program Command/Keystroke Explanation
IPython %who Show variables currently in memory
IPython %whos Sames as %who, just gives more info
IPython %load Fill cell with text contained in a file
IPython !ls Handy to quickly check the contents of current directory
IPython !pwd Show the working directory (these can also be saved into a var)
vim ZZ Save and close current file (faster than :wq)
vim ZQ Close (dont save) current file (faster than :q!)
vim ctrl-g Show current file name, line number
vim /test\c Case insensitive line search
vim R Enter replace mode (on current line)
vim :tab :help usermanual Open user manual in new tab
vim :gt Change tabs
vim f Move cursor to next occurrence of , press ; to find next
vim F same as f but search left
vim :help wordmotion This is a useful help page
vim :help motion This is another useful help page
vim u Undo change
vim U Undo all changes on line
vim . Repeat last motion
tmux ctrl-w-w Swap between panes in vim
tmux ctrl-b-q Show pane numbers in tmux, can type number to swap to that pane
tmux ctrl-b-w Display all current windows
Firefox ctrl-d Save bookmark
ranger S Open shell in current directory
ranger @vim Open currently selected file in vim