Learning learning learning


I just finished up my first project post on this site which can be found here. I did a lot of strategizing and thinking about what the best format is to present the analysis. I eventually settled on 3 main outputs:

  1. The post on the site, which wasn’t very technical but gave the key takeaways
  2. The markdown file on github which showed some graphs and gave a more granular overview of the process.
  3. The source jupyter notebook (also a version of this that has been exported to python) which showed exactly what I did to draw the graphs.

Working on this project had a really nice workflow, and all the code I wrote is available on github making it easy for anyone to recreate what I did. It took a tad longer than I had hoped to complete, and I think I underestimated the amount of time I would spend writing words that weren’t code.

Now that I’ve worked through a project from start to finish and deployed the results on this site I’ve got a better idea of what works and what doesn’t. On to the next one!