Note to myself, from Jupyter


I have written one of these posts using a jupyter notebook before, but it’s been a while. When I went to publish this, I realized that I left myself absolutely no documentation about how render the .ipynb file once I was done. So, in the spirit of helping my future self and any other interested party, here’s how I do it.

Create a jupyter notebook in a new folder under post/. The first cell should be the raw type and look something like this (yaml):

title: Jupyter note to my future self
date: 2022-02-16
summary: ', and to others'

Add whatever python content you want, and convert the notebook to markdown using:

!jupyter nbconvert --to markdown index.ipynb

That command (without the !) can be executed from the terminal instead of the notebook if you don’t want readers to see it at the end.

Once the file is created, blogdown::serve_site() should render the notebook to your blogdown site.

# Look familiar? :)
!jupyter nbconvert --to markdown index.ipynb
[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook index.ipynb to markdown
[NbConvertApp] Writing 1334 bytes to