A Revolver Reflection


  1. Code is definitely read more often than it’s written
    • A: [r for r in self.rs if r.is_complete]
    • B: [row for row in self.rows if row.is_complete]
    • Will future you like A or B better?
  2. A shortcut that saves you 1 hour now but causes 10 hours of debugging later is not a shortcut!
  3. Avoid clever code
    • Maybe I’m just not clever enough, but I’ve done at least 3 times regretted it every time
  4. 1% improvement >> 0% improvement and complaining
    • This is a compounding effect
  5. Great code and analyses are convincing of their correctness
  6. Every task is an opportunity to improve your skills
    • Refactoring code that you hate? See #4
    • Having a hard time debugging something? See #5